Thursday, April 14, 2016

Getting started with RubyOnRails For Macintosh 

STEP 1: Go to the official website for downloading home-brew. What home-brew does is it adds files missed by apple while setting up mac.
In the website you will find a link saying copy and paste the link in terminal- do that and hit enter.
when you hit enter terminal starts to download the missing files and set it up for you.
it will say hit return key to continue or control + c to abort- hit enter(return)

then terminal asks for password simply enter the password with which you log in to your mac - while entering password dots will not appear in terminal as it usually appears while entering password so make sure that you enter the password right because entering garbage value in terminal might lead you to loss of data or so forth.

the procedure goes on . after completion you will see your mac name and dollar sign then simply enter :
  brew install rbenv (in the terminal of course )
this will take you to further installation procedure where terminal will download data from internet- it will take some time depending on your internet connection speed.

after completion following message will appear (this message is for my mac named : Notorious MAC)
To enable shims and autocompletion, run this and follow the instructions:
  rbenv init
==> Summary
🍺  /usr/local/Cellar/rbenv/1.0.0: 36 files, 61.9K
Macs-MacBook-Pro:~ Notorious$ 

then enter : brew install ruby in the terminal.
this will initiate downloading and installing process ..

now enter: ruby -v ( this will show the current version of ruby that you just installed in your mac.)

to install rails enter : gem install rails ( this will install rails and take some time.)

That's it Now you are good to go with Ruby on Rails .

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Why not to study in Kathmandu Engineering College!!

Kec is reputed institution of Nepal with many graduates working in great companies. It produces best result among private engineering colleges and is second choice of most of the engineering students after Pulchowk Campus.
 But the students currently studying in kec are pretty upset regarding collage administration and its efforts towards overall development of collage itself.

Many students shared their experience with us and most of them were complaining following things:
  1. The collage administration operates like a typical government officials with slow and file transferring procedure. It often feels like Mary goes round and round for small projects and initiatives.
  2. Even though collage seems to pay attention towards students academic performance, students are always pushed away with fees and bills that comes every other month.
  3. Despite of. calling individual student and discussing about their academic performance so far the collage administration directly calls parents that also only after results are published. In-between the working hours things seems to be normal but it isn't so.
  4. The seed of back paper is sowed in each individual's mind by the collage itself Right on the first day in Yoga hall . Then collage nourish that seed until BackPaper fruit are ripped. It's like inception:" when i tell you don't think about an elephant what do you think?"
  5. The result are shown to parents and bills are provided to students. This doesn't match right.  It increases the tension among parents and maintains enough distance between students and collage.
  6. There is no cloud data storage. Nothing at all. The collage website contains no notes, tutorials, and academic related documents.
  7. No video tutorials. Students have to grasp all information that teacher speaks simultaneously writing notes. They could have copied foot steps of MIT and made video out of every class.
  8. No place to sit peacefully. The collage is too crowded. One cannot simply think what's going on ?!  Rush Rush Rush
  9. No collage transportation facilities.
  10. Computers in lab are broken & not working. You have to share all the time.
  11. Students are not allowed to use advanced equipment- you can only see because they cost a lot. They don't even show you how they work. Not even a video.
  12. Manuals provided are pathetic. However some are good.
  13. The collage environment is missing inspiration. No inspiration in engineering collage is like no armor in war.
  14. The collage printed its academic calendar first time in four years. This clearly shows lack of punctuality.
  15. Teachers are Good. It is the only thread binding KEC this far.
  16. You have to play football, cricket in basketball court and if you hit hard you are out. It is the only place to play. However KEC got best basketball court in town.
  17. Yoga is the best invention of Humanity. But the anchor (Shanta Sir) will frustrate you. His presentation is disliked by most of the students. 
  18. Chain Smokers are born in KEC. In quick survey we find out that kec is the leading collage with smokers and No Smoking Zone!! Doesn't match again.
  19. By the time you reach third year, you'll notice everybody likes smoking weed in outings. Good thing though!!
  20. Electronics and computer students are not introduced to google, Microsoft, apple students circle. So its very hard to get in their after graduation.
  21. If you want to do something you have to do it by yourself. People will help but no one is coming after you.
  22. Recreational visit is pokhara and chitwan not Goa and Banglore. But collage takes money for Goa and Banglore .
  23. Alternate Day Test (ADT) : every other day test is conducted which no one gives a fuck about. Be aware teachers are gonna thrash N.Q (not qualified) on the basis of ADT results and Lab reports.
  24. Welcome and Farewells programs are conducted barely. Lastly it was done after four years in 2072!!
  25. The canteen is worst to eat. So The tables are used by engineers to do tutorials and lab report.
  26. Because Library is tiny and hot.
  27. There is WiFi in collage & it works sometime. Awesome!!

Students say there are many other cons of KEC. Surely there are Pros too. Let's hear it from KEC students themselves. Write us @notoriousgarage